Tirlán February milk price 42.08 cpl

All Beef Dairy Tillage

Tirlán February milk price 42.08 cpl

Tirlán will pay a total of 42.08 cent per litre (cpl) (including VAT) for February creamery milk supplies at 3.6% butterfat and 3.3% protein.

The price includes a Seasonality Payment of 3 cpl (including VAT) that will be paid on all creamery milk volumes supplied in February that meet quality criteria.

The February milk price consists of the following:

  • Base milk price of 38.58 cpl (including VAT), an increase of 2 cpl;
  • A Seasonality Payment of 3.0 cpl (including VAT) which applies to all creamery milk volumes supplied during February that meet quality criteria. This payment also applies to non-contracted volumes from our Autumn calving and Liquid Milk scheme members;
  • Sustainability Action Payment of 0.5 cpl (including VAT) to all qualifying suppliers.

The base price, Seasonality Payment and Sustainability Action Payment will be adjusted to reflect the actual constituents of milk delivered by suppliers.

The Tirlán total price for February creamery milk, based on LTO constituents of 4.2% butterfat and 3.4% protein, is 45.71 cpl (including VAT).

Tirlán Chairperson John Murphy said: “While dairy markets are generally stable, the Board is acutely aware of the severe challenges facing our milk suppliers this year as ongoing wet weather makes grazing conditions very difficult. The February rainfall total at weather stations in the south east was 50% - 80% higher than the long term average. This is having a significant impact on milk supply and creating very challenging conditions for farmers, with yields per cow 10% lower than the same period last year. In order to assist milk suppliers in lifting milk yields toward peak, we have decided to increase milk price by 2 cent per litre and are also announcing a €30 per tonne rebate on our GAIN dairy feed range, which will apply from today until the end of March.  

“Our February milk price includes our 3 cpl Seasonality Payment, which brings our total price to 42.08 cpl.”

GAIN dairy feed weather support

Tirlán is supporting its milk suppliers with a €30 per tonne GAIN dairy feed rebate. It will apply on all GAIN dairy feed delivered to Tirlán milk suppliers between 15 and 30 March 2024.

The offer is being introduced to support milk suppliers through early lactation to achieve peak production and assist following the difficult weather period.

A reasonable usage limit on the promotion tonnes will apply for each customer. Further terms and conditions will apply – interested milk suppliers should contact their Tirlán Branch or Business Manager.

Unconditional Seasonality Bonus Payment rates

Unconditional seasonality bonus payments apply over the winter months of December, January and February on all non-contracted milk volumes that meet quality criteria. The payment rate for January 2024 was 4cpl, with 3 cpl paid for February 2024.

The unconditional Seasonality Bonus Payment will increase to 5 cpl in December 2024; 7 cpl in January 2025 and 5 cpl in February 2025. Payment will be adjusted to reflect the actual constituents of the milk delivered.


First Published 15 March 2024


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