Lead Poisoning in May


Lead poisoning symptoms show rapidly and animals go down quickly, and this can typically happen in April or May as cows often graze fresh paddocks for the first time or if grass is tight, can dig into ditches. Batteries are the source for the majority of outbreaks.

  • Recycle and remove all batteries off-farm – do not store or accumulate these on-farm.
  • Younger animals are naturally more curious and if they come across strange objects in a ditch will sniff and lick them to examine them.
  • Walk ditches regularly (especially by roadsides) to ensure there is nothing there that could endanger your animals.
  • Ensure animals do not have access to machinery or old batteries on farm.
  • Don’t allow animals access to rubble or building materials.

 Remember to notify Tirlán immediately if you or your farm vet suspects that your cows may have been exposed to lead.

First Published 15 May 2023

Tagged with: Dairy


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