Tirlán milk suppliers invited to register for Open Days September 24 and 25

Agribusiness All Beef Co-op Dairy

Tirlán milk suppliers invited to register for Open Days September 24 and 25

Tirlán is opening its landmark Ballyragget site to milk suppliers on September 24 and 25 and is encouraging as many of its dairy farmers as possible to register and attend.

The Tirlán Supplier Open Days will showcase how the Ballyragget site processes and adds value to the milk supplied by 5,000 Tirlán milk suppliers every day. Tirlán milk suppliers who attend will also have a unique opportunity to meet the expert teams working there.

Each Open Day session will last approximately three hours and includes a 60 minute guided walking tour of the site following by the Tirlán Experience Expo. It will showcase the end-to-end process from farm gate to world markets.

As part of the Open Day, suppliers will also discover how the milk supplied from across the Tirlán catchment area is transformed into award-winning brands, nutritional and functional dairy ingredients.

Tirlán chairperson John Murphy said that Tirlán prides itself on maintaining the highest standards of quality and sustainability. "From the moment milk arrives at our intake area, it is carefully tested to ensure it meets our high-quality standards. We value transparency and invite our suppliers to witness how the high quality milk they provide is transformed into the finest dairy products enjoyed in Ireland and around the world."

John Murphy said that the farmer-owned Co-op is thrilled to open its doors and walk suppliers through the extensive site. “Farmers are 100% owners of this Co-op and I would encourage all milk suppliers to come and visit the facilities that they own and to meet the teams that work on behalf of our members to process the milk into highly nutritious dairy ingredients and bring it to the marketplace globally. The tour will also include a visit to our Innovation Centre where our R&D teams are based. They work hand-in-hand every day with some of the biggest food and ingredients companies in the world to add value to milk produced across our catchment”.

The Open Days are a ticket-only event and online registration in advance is required on www.tirlanmilksupplieropendays.com. The Open Day experience will be repeated each day and suppliers are asked to select which day and time they wish to attend when registering.

First Published 4 September 2024


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