Tirlán SGM Proposal Farmer Info Sessions
Agribusiness Co-op Corporate Dairy
Tirlán have held a series of Farmer Information Sessions in person and online to brief shareholders on the upcoming Special General Meeting (SGM) and the proposed rule change concerning the Co-op’s financial investments.
Senior management and Board Members presented the details of the proposal, which seeks to grant the Co-op greater flexibility in managing its investment in Glanbia plc. The key aspect of the proposal is a “spin-out” of 15 million Glanbia plc shares, valued at €239 million, to Tirlán Co-op Members.
If approved, Members will receive approximately €7,013* for every 1,000 shares held, or €24,604* for an average active shareholder. Tirlán’s investment in Glanbia plc currently represents a significant portion of the co-op’s overall value, which exceeds €1.7 billion.
For further details, please reach out to a member of the Tirlán team or look back at our previous webinar below:
Video : here
Find out more about the Co-op SGM here Tirlán to hold SGM to approve Rule change | Tirlán FarmLife (tirlanfarmlife.com)
Separately, Tirlán will host Supplier Open Days at its Ballyragget site on September 24th and 25th. Milk suppliers are encouraged to attend these sessions to witness the processing of their milk and meet the teams behind the operations. The event includes a guided tour of the facility and an expo highlighting the full journey of milk from farm to market. Suppliers must register in advance at www.tirlanmilksupplieropendays.com.
First Published 18 September 2024