Closing Date for Beef Welfare Scheme 2024

Dairy Beef

Closing Date for Beef Welfare Scheme 2024

Suckler farmers wishing to apply for the 2024 Beef Welfare Scheme have until TUESDAY the 24th SEPTEMBER 2024 to submit applications. This scheme incentivises meal feeding pre and post weaning and the vaccination of suckler calves. Farmers must apply under their own individual Agfood or through an approved FAS advisor.

The requirements of the scheme are as follows:

  • Action 1 - Meal Feeding pre-weaning and post-weaning is a mandatory. Paid at a rate of €35 per calf.
  • Action 2 - Vaccination is an optional action which participants must select at application stage to be eligible for payment under this action. Paid at a rate of €15 per calf.

Qualifying suckler calves must be born in the applicant’s herd between 1st July 2023 and 30th June 2024. Calves must be born from eligible beef bred suckler cows and sired by a beef bull. This scheme is open for a maximum of 40 calves per application. Farmers who select and complete both scheme actions will be paid €50 per calf subject to a maximum overall payment of €2,000 (40 calves).

For more information click HERE or contact your local Twenty20 Beef Club representative.


First Published 19 September 2024


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